setwd("C:/Users/RISE Fiji/Documents/GitHub/riseR/RISE_FJ/T1_child_sampling") 

library (tidyverse)
library (lubridate)

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE) #this stops warnings from displaying in html

Daily QC for Obj 3 Child Sampling (Fiji) - r day.qc

The community(ies) visited today were: r settlement.list

Child sampling surveys

There were a total of r nrow (subchild1) child sampling survey(s) initiated today, r nrow (no.edta) edta blood samples collected, r nrow (no.serum) serum blood samples collected, r nrow (no.bloodspot) bloodspot samples collected, and r nrow (no.feces) feces collection kits handed out.

Feces collection surveys

There were a total of r nrow (subfeces1) feces collection survey(s) initiated today, and r nrow (feces.yes) feces samples collected.

Monash-RISE/riseR documentation built on Dec. 11, 2019, 9:49 a.m.